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FALSE: Ugandan journalist Dean Lubowa Saava was not gunned down

FALSE: Ugandan journalist Dean Lubowa Saava was not gunned down

video posted on TikTok claiming that Ugandan journalist Dean Lubowa Saava was shot dead near a hotel in Kampala is FALSE.

Images of the journalist are used in the video in addition to another image in which individuals, some wearing attire similar to that of the anti-terrorism police, are seen. Some of the photos have Daily Monitor newspaper watermarks. The author attaches a 21-second video claiming Saava was shot when he was going to meet Ugandan Speaker Anita Among.

PesaCheck contacted Saava by telephone and confirmed that he was not facing any attempt on his life, and the video posted on TikTok announcing his death at a hotel in Kampala was found to be FALSE. Find more details here.

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