Meet Our Team

The debunk is run by a dedicated team of fact-checkers committed to fighting the spread of fake news. We work together to achieve impact and are guided by our values of respect, humility, honesty and integrity. We creatively and collaboratively work amongst ourselves and with partners.

Bella Twine - Communications Officer/Managing Editor

>>>>>Twitter: @bella_twine
Bella is the Communications Officer and Managing Editor at Debunk. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Communication. She edits content for the Debunk website and engages the Debunk online audiences. She works with the Debunk Show fact checkers to select claims, script fact checks and produce timely responses on the Debunk Bot.

Edgar Karuhanga - Fact Checking Trainer/Fact Checker

>>>>>Twitter: @Eddmk1
Edgar is a certified Fact Checking Trainer by Africa Check and the Lead Fact Checker at Debunk. He is very passionate about disseminating factual information and multimedia journalism. Edgar holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication and works with youth across various universities to impact fact-checking skills and knowledge. He produces timely fact-checks and hosts the Debunk Podcast on MCI Radio.

Marion Apio - CEO/Team Lead

>>>>>Twitter: @MarionApio
Marion is the CEO of Debunk Media Initiative building a community of fact-checkers in Uganda. She is a talented multifaceted Storyteller and an advocate for girls/women. She is passionate about media literacy and works to build strong funding models and strategic partnerships for the organisation.

Rukia Nabbanja - Production Officer/Associate Editor

>>>>>Twitter: @RukiaNabbanja
Rukia is the Production Officer and Associate Editor at Debunk. She is a skilled video editor by the Media Challenge Initiative and a certified fact-checking trainer by Africa Check. She works with Debunk Show Fact Checkers to select claims, script, shoot and edit the Debunk show. Rukia has immersed a lot of soft skills like constructive journalism reporting which enable quality production of the Debunk Video Show

Reagan Kiyimba - Operations Officer/Fact Checker

>>>>>Twitter: @KiyimbaReagan1
Reagan is the Operations Officer at Debunk. He is an Africa Check award-winning fact-checker in the student category. He is debunking fake news in the media and in communities for both radio and online media. He monitors the media for claims and conducts research and interviews to produce timely fact checks. Reagan executives daily operations at Debunk and is building strong accounting and finance management systems.

Board of Directors
Organisational Structure