Debunk Media Initiative works with organisations, institutions and partners that align with the vision of ensuring access to information as a fundamental human right. We depend on the financial support and assistance of our partners, funders and allies. These include:

Media Challenge Initiative

Media Challenge Initiative is a youth-driven nonprofit based in Kampala, Uganda dedicated to building the next generation of journalists in Uganda and Africa. MCI envisions an empowered generation of critical journalists who advance positive social change and challenge narratives through their journalism.

The Media Innovation Centre (MiC)

The Media Innovation Centre (MiC) — Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya supports young upcoming media entrepreneurs who are devising unique start-ups driven by exciting forms of storytelling. We offer tailor-made training, mentorship, coaching and start-up grants.

The Digital Human Rights Lab

The Digital Human Rights Lab is a space, both virtual and physical, in which human rights defenders come together to support each other's initiatives in strengthening and promoting Human Rights in a digitalised world.

Starthub Africa

Starthub Africa is a self-financed hybrid social venture that is building a movement of African Change Makers. Starthub identifies, mentors, and coaches young individuals who possess the drive, and potential to make a real difference in their communities.

Africa Check

Africa Check is Africa's first independent fact-checking organisation, a non-profit organisation set up in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate and the media in Africa.

The MCI Media Hub

The MCI Media Hub is a collaborative space that supports disruptive innovators with an enabling environment to accelerate ideas and solutions for journalism.

Get Involved | Partner with us 

We would like to build the first-ever fact-checking organisation in Uganda with you. Partners like yourself are essential to our success and we would love to collaborate with you whether you are a company, an agency, NGO, an individual, a civil society organisation or a media company to ensure lasting impact.

Our partners help us attain impact by offering all kinds of support to maximise our reach and impact so that young people across the African continent are based on correct and accurate information to make informed decisions about their health, education, and human rights. 

Work with us to develop innovative digital solutions that align with your organisational priorities and values, and support our organisation that fosters access to information as a fundamental human right for youths in Africa. 

The Debunk Bot  

Support our work by funding our Bot. You can also become our resident expert to answer claims on the platform by sending your details to our email if you are interested. The bot works by sending a claim through our chat on the website or Whatsapp contact and it will be received by our fact checkers who will investigate the facts and forward factual information to you in real-time. The more information it picks up, the better it gets at automatically fact-checking. 

Fund A Fact Check? 

We carry out fact-checks with different sectors on climate change, health, business, current affairs and debunk narratives. You can share with us an email on thedebunk@gmail.com . Whilst we need financial support for producing these shows, texts and  sponsorships to make our work easier, we are committed to our policy of non-partisanship and commitment to total fact-checking without bias or interference. 

Contact our office in Kampala at thedebunk@gmail.com to start a conversation