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Fact Check: Pretty Mike Is Not A Spiritual Leader But A Stunts Man

Fact Check: Pretty Mike Is Not A Spiritual Leader But A Stunts Man

Pretty Mike Is Not A Spiritual Leader But A Stunts Man




 Galaxy radio a local FM station in Uganda posted a picture showing two ladies pouring cooking vegetables into a small pan, and with them, a seemingly superficial “Zambia” male  “Chef ” holding a long and sizable aluminium cooking tool, stirring into a pan with a live human (man) in it. The caption on the post implied that he (the authoritative man) was cooking the man to cleanse him of unfaithfulness (infidelity). 

“Meet Zambian pastor who cooks unfaithful husbands to make them faithful.” the GalaxyFmUg X post read.


In just two weeks after the BBC aired a documentary about a famous church in Nigeria, the Synagogue Church Of All Nation (SCOAN) and its Disciples under the Cult of Prophet TB Joshua.  Many religious and spiritual narratives have sprouted. This particular picture has since resurfaced and gone viral on different social media platforms like Twitter/ X, TikTok, and Instagram although it is not the first time it has appeared online.

Other posts were discovered during our research of the same picture posted on different Nigerian online media platforms like Naijaonpoint, Within Nigeria, Flor Media, all on the 11th, of June 2023 (first date of appearance), and another from a South African on X, on Tiktok among many more.

The  Tiktok narrator says the man captured in the picture cheated on his wife,who brought him to confess, ask for forgiveness and led him to being cooked by the “pastor”. 



The “Pastor or Prophet”  playing spiritual cleanser of infidelity in the photos is not a Christian spiritual leader, going by  the religious and meanings of who a pastor and a prophet are and what they do.

Our research points to the alleged prophet as Mike Eze-Nwalie Nwogu a Nigerian socialite, entrepreneur and prominent stunt man in Nigeria commonly known by his stage name Pretty Mike.  

The picture in question was taken from Warri Pikin’s wedding or vows renewal where Mike made a grand entrance with women carrying spices and vegetables, a cooking pot, a spoon and a man he later “cooked” without fire, with the idea of making a soup dish for the newly weds, in June 2023.

He is neither Zambian nor South African as the different posts purport, and better yet, he is not a pastor or prophet and the his acts are not scientifically proven to be a behaviourial change strategies to stop any one from being unfaithful.

Even though this is not Pretty Mike’s first time making such questionable moves at events, as there has been more. His actions at the wedding though,inspired public scrutiny for the pictures in question and he was labelled a ritualist too, reactions and allegations he has since denied  and said he is just into show business according an interview he did with reality TV star Doyin on Youtube .


Pretty Mike is not a Pastor, nor a Prophet as social media seems to suggest. He is simply into show business and this picture was not an exception.

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