Fact checking translations

The Debunk Media Initiative is currently working with the Media Innovation center in partnership with DW Akademie, MCI Media Hub and Aga Khan university to transform communities through fact checking.
Biases and misconceptions have trended even before the birth of Jesus The Christ.
The difference now is that as the world population multiplies, biases grow in number and the spread of misinformation is a global phenomenon from election bias and fake news, to health, climate change, stories about women, men, children, communities and organizations.
Fact checking for the Debunk Media Initiative means trying as much as possible to shift mindsets from these common misunderstandings, to a well informed society making decisions based on facts rather than fiction.
That is why Debunk Media Initiative is currently running a project to translate audio fact checks from English to local languages based in different regions across Uganda.
Our background belief is; If the people do not have a dialect word for a certain phenomenon, disease or situation, they are more likely to spread false information about it, in order for them to have a personal understanding of the situation. Calling a mental illness, STDs, barrenness and other diseases witchcraft, curses or demons is a way for those who start the biases to understand those situations.
Our trips to radio stations are bearing fruit and you will be hearing a fact check or two in your language from home, from work, from wherever you are, in a language that you understand.